Get Baking: Blueberry with Streusel Muffins
What is it about freshly baked goods that makes us feel warm and fuzzy inside…and if you’re anything like me, I dance once the deliciousness hits my taste buds in excitement and appreciation for something so good exists. Fortunately, my daughter is the same way and we share in those dancing moments. Like I said in my other posts, I’m not a professional chef nor a professional baker. But what I do like to do is try others’ recipes and then finding what works for me and my family.
My daughter loves blueberries and this past week, I wanted to incorporate blueberries into my baking. So naturally, I turned to Google and YouTube to see if I can find any recipe with ingredients I already have at home. Isn’t it intimidating watching all these videos or reading about which recipe is “the best” and not knowing which one was truly the best? After scouring multiple of videos and countless reading, I found this great and simple recipe for blueberry with streusel muffins that I wanted to share with you! (And to save you the trouble of looking yourselves!)
Below are the list of ingredients (copied directly from the video) and quantities to help you shop or look for in your pantry. I find breaking out ingredients as a shopping list at the grocery store helps me when I am out and about in areas of the store. With that said, make sure you follow the recipe (it’s in the description box of the video below, as ingredients are used at different parts of the baking process.
2 cup all-purpose flour
1 tsp baking powder
1/2 tsp baking soda
1/4 tsp salt (this may be in seasoning section)
1 tsp vanilla extract
3 tbsp brown sugar
1 tsp cinnamon (this may be in seasoning section)
3 eggs
3/4 cup heavy cream
1 stick of unsalted butter
1 tbsp lemon juice
1 1/2 cup blueberry
These muffins were fantastic and not overly sweet! And quite honestly, it was very easy to follow and make as well. Give this video a try and let me know your thoughts!